A Tale of Two Passions: Spencer’s Story

A Tale of Two Passions: Spencer’s Story     “As athletes we spend hours training our physical skills for competition. Our Mental Fitness should be no different.” -Spencer Murray From an early age I knew sports would be a huge part of who I am. Throughout my life I have been involved in baseball, track…

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Negative News and Why it Sells

  Fact: Our brains are hardwired to see and focus on the negative.    Indeed, if you looked under the hood of our thinking, you’d see a 4 to 1 positive to negative thought ratio for most people.   The question is, “Why is this?”   The answer lies in our evolutionary psychology.   Back…

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A Brief Timeline of the Civil Rights Movement

A Brief Timeline of the Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s was one of the most influential periods in American History. Even with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, African Americans would continue to be the victims of racial segregation, disenfranchisement, exploitation, and violence for nearly a…

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Seven Steps to Master Your Emotions

As a professional therapist, I’ve worked with thousands of people struggling to manage their emotions. In doing so, over the years I’ve developed a simple, seven step approach to understanding and mastering one’s emotions. Even though this is only a brief overview, I wrote this article today for anyone who may be struggling to manage…

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LeBron James Invests in his Mental Fitness and You Should Too!

It goes without saying that LeBron James – an NBA super-star with far too many accolades to list here – is one of the most impressive athletes of our time. With strictly regimented routines comparable to other standout athletes such as Patriot’s quarterback Tom Brady or Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, every minute of James’ days…

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Stop Sitting on the Sidelines of Your Life!

Stop Sitting on the Sidelines of Your Life! As a therapist, I hear a lot of people struggling with “imposter syndrome”. Imposter syndrome, for those who may not know, is basically feeling like an imposter in your role at something – like you don’t really belong.   For many this self-limiting feeling of doubt becomes…

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10 Tips for a Mindset of Leadership

10 Tips for a Mindset of Leadership    Tip 1: Be a Great Follower Yes, you read that right. Tip number one to successfully living leadership, is to first, and continually, become a great follower.When many professionals talk about the Mindset of Leadership, they often seem to miss a step. That is, most leaders don’t…

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3 Predictors of Job Satisfaction That Matter Most

There are three predictors of job satisfaction that matter most: 1. The relationship with one’s immediate supervisor 2. Level of autonomy 3. Feeling valued and appreciated Here’s how to improve each one. 1. Value the strength of the relationship more so than the productivity numbers. If you value the numbers over the relationship, you’ll get…

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Addiction 101: The Neurochemistry of Addiction

The neurochemistry of addiction can best be summed up in one sentence: “Your brain, highjacked by drugs, shuts down, and needs rebalanced.” Sounds simple, right? Well, let’s take a look at each section of that sentence to get the full story. Part 1: “Your brain” Your brain already has in it all the drugs it…

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Why I Became a Therapist: Jessica’s Story

Meet Our Newest Team Member, Jessica Calhoon! Why I Do What I Do Growing up, my father was what I consider a ‘functional alcoholic”.  He provided for our family and from the outside looking in you probably would have never known the hardship it caused my family. I grew up in central Pennsylvania with my…

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