We teach physical fitness in schools. We ought to be teaching Mental Fitness as well.


1 in 5 students at any given time is struggling with depression or anxiety.

With rising demand for mental health services in schools existing resources are rapidly filling up. As a professional therapist and speaker for the past 12 years, I've worked with countless adolescents on improving their Mental Fitness.


Why Mental Fitness is the perfect fit to speak at your school.

Unlike the term "mental health" which implies distress or dysfunction and does not apply to everyone, there is no one who doesn't have room for improvement with their Mental Fitness. This is what gives our message a more encompassing reach and a unique perspective from what the students may be used to hearing.


I am passionate about helping adolescents reframe the way they see the world in a more positive light.

By challenging them to recognize the importance and power of their own thinking, it enables them to have a greater sense of hope and control over their future. After all, the only thing we’re 100 percent in control of in our lives is our thinking.

Over the past 10 years I have worked with numerous schools to improve their mental fitness. Here are just a few …