Why I’ve Never Charged a No-Show Fee… And I Never Will
Why I’ve Never Charged a No-Show Fee… And I Never Will There’s some debate in the therapy world about the value and necessity of no-show fees. On the one hand, time is money and someone who cancels at the last minute is bad for business. On the other hand, no one’s perfect. Life happens. To…
Read MoreWhy Customer Service Matters
There are certain companies I hate dealing with: AT&T, Direct TV, shady home warranty people, etc… Vista Print, however, is not one of them. For anyone looking to create their own brand for a business, event, or personalized gift, Vista Print is truly the way to go. Case in point, I recently ordered two branded…
Read MoreWhat JFK and Joy Mangano Can Teach Us About Dealing With Stress
What JFK and Joy Mangano Can Teach Us About Dealing With Stress Stress is a natural reaction to threatening situations in life. Often, it kicks in our primitive “fight-or-flight” reflex leading us to believe we have only those two options. This common misconception is not only not true, it can be downright dangerous. Taken at…
Read MoreThe Answer Isn’t Always More Therapy
The Answer Isn’t Always More Therapy In my field, I see a lot of families who do a lot of therapy. Granted, this is a great problem to have as it shows the family is motivated, engaged, and invested. Still, when problems arise, more often than not my suggestion is NOT for more therapy. In…
Read MoreThe Symptoms of Stress
The Symptoms of Stress According to the website,, “untamed” (my term, not theirs) chronic stress can have numerous negative effects on various components of our health. The following is a brief synopsis on how each body system is affected by stress. Mentally, Emotionally and Socially Symptoms of chronic stress include irritability, anxiety, and…
Read MoreNutrition Made Simple
Dieting… blah! For many of us, when we hear the word “diet” we cringe. The word itself brings about thoughts of restriction, giving up of our favorite foods, and confusion: eat this, don’t eat that, etc. Going on a diet becomes a chore. Sometimes we have the will power to stick with it for a…
Read MoreMy Top Ten Favorite Mental Health Retreats
Mental Health Retreats At the surface, this may seem a bit counter-intuitive; that retreating from one’s emotions would be the first step in mastering them. Yet, it’s most often the case that when we react impulsively and emotionally that we get ourselves into trouble. We’re reactive before we’re reflective. It’s Not Always a Straight Path to…
Read MoreYou Don’t Have to be a Therapist to be Therapeutic
You Don’t Have to be a Therapist to be Therapeutic I was recently watching an online video by author and entrepreneur, Gary Vee, that really impressed me. It was a short video; simple and to the point. While riding to and from appointments throughout the day, he simply filmed himself making three-minute phone calls to…
Read MoreWhy Most Entrepreneurs Fail
Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail It takes three primary characteristics to thrive as an entrepreneur: Humility, Enthusiasm, and Hustle. Most entrepreneurs fail because one or all of these characteristics is lacking. Humility I mention humility first because there is always a learning curve when starting your own business. If you assume you know it all, you…
Read MoreLife Out of Balance: Howard’s Story
LIFE OUT OF BALANCE: HOWARD’S STORY When I tell people that I used to weigh 315 pounds, their initial response is usually something like, “I can’t believe it.” If the first question is, “How did you lose the weight?” The second question is “How did you get so heavy in the first place?” Followed by…
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