A life of meaning is greater than a life spent seeking a fleeting feeling of happiness.

In life, we all want to have our cake and eat it too…
I mean, what’s the point in having a cake if you can’t eat it?
Still, the truth we can’t do it all and have to make choices that prioritize some things and sacrifice some others.
The question is, how do you choose?
For me there’s a scene in the movie “Field of Dreams” that perfect portrays this sacrifice and chose in life.

(Spoiler alert if you keep reading!)

In the scene, the character Archie Graham is presented with a choice: continue to live out his dream as a baseball player, or give up his dream of baseball to instead be a doctor in his hometown.

Nevertheless, even when given a second chance at baseball, he still chooses to be a doctor.

His response:
“Son, if I’d only gotten to be a doctor for five minutes… now that would have been a tragedy.”

This line sits powerfully in my mind.

I truly believe a life of meaning is greater than a life spent seeking a fleeting feeling of happiness.
And that a life of life of meaning is created by utilizing your abilities to best serve others.

Doctor Graham is a great example of how to prioritize choices in life.

P.S. Did you know Archie Graham is based on a true story?

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