Top Five Life Lessons from Running

13 years ago, I completed the Boston Marathon. In honor of that, yesterday, I ran a 10k around Chippewa Township. Though I’m not as physically in shape as I was ten years ago, my mentality is stronger than ever. Here are 5 life lessons I’ve learned from running throughout my life.   There will almost…

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At First, Say “Yes!” A better way to find your niche

A better way to find your niche Perhaps this may seem like common sense, to just say “yes” and get started. However, in recent years there’s been a push to “Find One’s Niche.” That is, to start by focusing one’s energy on a particular segment of the population or to limit one’s focus to a…

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Everyday Heroes

You don’t need to be a professional athlete or as well-known as Oprah or Tony Robbins to be a hero. This blog is dedicated to two everyday heroes I find truly inspiring and who have directly shaped my life for the better. There is so much good in the world. I believe we need to…

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How to Build Hustle Muscle

Earlier in my career, I joined a private group practice founded by a man I greatly admired. Though this man had many incredible attributes, he was also the quintessential dreamer. As such, he continually believed that someone (besides himself) should take it upon themselves to spread his message. He truly, but wrongly, believed that if…

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How to Find a Great Mentor: Reaching Out and Reaching Up

To find a great mentor, there are two essential principles to follow: Reach out Reach up   Reaching Out Much like seeking support, finding a mentor is not a passive process. It takes active “reaching out” efforts to find a truly inspiring, knowledgeable, and willing mentor. So, how does one accomplish this, you ask? First…

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Play the Long Game

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been reading the book Moneyball. For those of you who may not be familiar with the book or movie, Moneyball is about the 2002 Oakland Athletics and their unique approach to baseball. To summarize, the Oakland A’s disregard, baseball traditions, and look to science and statistics to help them…

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Doubt Kills More Dreams than Failure

The Airplane Analogy    Motivational speaker, Prince Ea, describes an interaction he had with a pilot. Recalling the pilot’s words, Prince Ea states that “many passengers think planes are dangerous to fly in, but actually it’s a lot more dangerous for a plane to stay on the ground. On the ground, the plane starts to…

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Acknowledgments: Teamwork to Make the Dream Work

Acknowledgments It truly takes teamwork to make the dream work, and this CE course has been no exception. Since its conception in May of 2016, numerous people have helped make this dream a reality. Listed below are some of our most important and influential supporters and contributors.   Tresa:   You’ve been my biggest supporter,…

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Societal Factors Leading to a Burnt-Out Nation 

Societal Factors Leading to a Burnt-Out Nation  Did you know that over half of Americans can’t afford an unexpected $500 expense? It’s scary to think that even in America, the richest country in the world, the majority of us are living paycheck to paycheck, but that is the unfortunate reality of our society right now.…

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What Makes Someone Become An Entrepreneur?

What makes someone become an entrepreneur?  For me, one of the greatest influences I had growing up was my dad. My dad was, and still is, self-employed. This career choice had both pros and cons for us as a family, but as a kid, I saw a lot more of the pros than the cons.…

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