Back in 2016, I was feeling restless…
Back in 2016, I was feeling restless… I was happy in my work, but something was off. I knew I loved helping people, and I knew the people I worked with were seeing results. Still, the feeling persisted… So after some failed attempts to figure out what was up, I finally really leaned into that…
Read MoreIt’s yet to fully sink in with me…
I hesitated to write about this, because I think the magnitude of it has yet to really sink in with me… But, Erie McDowell school board approved teaching Mental Fitness as a part of their high school curriculum. This would make Erie McDowell the FIRST high school in the nation to be teaching Mental Fitness at their…
Read MoreI’ve never defended a dissertation…
I’ve never defended a dissertation, but I think I may know how it feels… In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be running Mental Fitness Workshops for selected, volunteer participants and measuring their progress throughout the course on six variables: – Mental Fitness – Growth Mindset – Emotional Mastery – Resilience – Perceived Stress – Stigma No…
Read MoreWhat to get things done more efficiently this year? Try following these 4 steps…
What to get things done more efficiently this year? Try following these 4 steps… 1. Brainstorm 2. Organize 3. Prioritize 4. Execute Step 1. Brainstorm In this step the goal is to dump all the things you can think of that you have to do and get them out of your head and onto paper.…
Read MoreTalent isn’t Real
Talent isn’t real. Talent is two a days on a Friday night. Talent is getting really good at saying “I can’t. I have practice.” Talent is cross-training on your “off” time. Talent is studying the game and the greats who play it. Talent is getting up early when most people are sleeping in. Talent is…
Read MoreHow to Succeed in Your New Year’s Goals
New Year’s Goals We all know that most New Year’s goals fail. “Eat better, exercise more, quit smoking.” They’re vague and lack any real depth or planning. The fact is most of us don’t know how to set real goals. I wrote “The 10 Principles of Goal Setting” to show people how to turn their…
Read MoreA Year in Review
t’s crazy to think that Mental Fitness completed its 7th year this year. Of all the cool accomplishments we’ve had throughout the years, seeing the message spread, and the positive impact it’s had on people’s lives, has undoubtedly been the best part. A close second, however, has been seeing the team expand. And it’s not just our…
Read MoreThe Myth, The Truth, and The Science of MAT
The Myth: Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a money maker a keeps people addicted. Liquid handcuffs. The Truth: Drugs keep people addicted. Withdrawal keeps people addicted. The Science: MAT gives mercy from withdrawal and allows people to restore themselves to better citizenship. MAT saves lives by reducing overdose deaths. People taking methadone or buprenorphine are…
Read MoreThe Story of Dr. Apgar
Did you know The Apgar Score was first formulated while she was having breakfast in 1949. She wrote it on a napkin, and later, in 1952, presented her idea as a way to assess how well a baby has endured delivery. It was published in 1953, and today is still administered worldwide. This is the…
Read MoreOur Mental Health System is Broken
Here’s how the current model works: First, you notice to yourself, “I’m feeling depressed,” or, perhaps a life situation happens that doesn’t go as you expect. Second, you think, “Maybe I should get some help…” Next, it’s “Where do I get help?” Then it’s “Will people judge me if I get help?” Then, “Maybe I…
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