Saying “My depression” or “my anxiety” is a terrible script for one’s mental health


Though I get the spirit of this photo (normalizing depression as an unseen illness on par with more clearly visible physical conditions), this photo is a terrible example of self-talk!!!

It’s an unpopular opinion, but I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

Saying “My depression” or “my anxiety” is a terrible script for one’s mental health.


It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that is absolutely awful if one’s goal is to overcome feelings of depression.

Think about it…

Emotions are like colds. You have a cold. You do not posses or become a cold. You notice it, you respond accordingly, and you trust that it won’t last forever.

We don’t say “I am the flu!”

Emotions are the same way!!!

So here’s a tip…

Rather than saying “my depression” try saying…
I notice that I’m feeling sad, and that’s okay. Nevertheless, I am resilient, determined, and worthy as I am.

That’s the mentally fit way!

Now compare that to this:

I hate feeling depressed. Why am I always depressed? I am depressed. My depression causes me to be a crappy friend.

See the difference??

Though it may seem nit-picky, there’s a huge difference between “I am feeling depressed” and “I am depressed.”

For me, the first is by far they way to go.

I hope this tip helps!!!!



*‘This photo was posted on

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