3 Take-Aways from The Life of Nelson Mandela Audiobook

So I just finished a 28 hour audio book on the life of Nelson Mandela. Here are my top 3 take-aways…

1. Hope

Nelson Mandela was able to go from being a labeled a terrorist and an enemy of the state to the president of nation. He did this while also being able to avoid a civil war in the transition of government.

How do we get hope from this?

If South Africa can go from Apartheid (system of institutionalized racial segregation) to a non-racial free democracy, perhaps we too can also have hope that we can move forward as a nation.

2. Play the Long Game 

Nelson Mandela was pretty consistently on the right side of history. Nevertheless, taking this bold stance cost him his relationship with his family, 27 years in prison, and unfathomable loss and degradation. Still, he and his comrades believed in the cause and remained steadfast.

It’s not easy to stand up for your beliefs, nor does it produce immediate results, but one person can change the world with patience and persistence.

3. Forgiveness and Inclusion

Even in prison, Nelson Mandela sought to find the humanity and goodness in all people.

When he became president, he forgave his white oppressors and created an inclusive government. He consistently blamed the system, not any one individual person, and sought change at this level.

He was “The Father of a Nation” and I greatly enjoyed learning about his life and influence.

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