The Four Types of Thought: Dreamers, Doers, Doubters, and Haters

There are basically 4 types of thought:

1. The Dreamer
2. The Doer
3. The Doubter
4. The Hater

The Dreamer

The Dreamer is the visionary. The Dreamer isn’t afraid to have big thoughts, large goals, and grandiose ideas.

The Dreamer is key to open the door of possibility, yet if your thoughts stop there, you’ll likely stay stuck in dream land.

The Doer

The Doer is the achiever in us. The Doer isn’t afraid to get to work and take on any task, small or large, dirty or prestigious.

The Doer is key to getting things done, yet, having hustle muscle alone won’t get you outside of your comfort zone and into your courage zone.

The Doubter

The Doubter is the voice inside us that tells us we’re not worthy. Sometimes called imposter syndrome, the doubter keeps us small and limited in our thoughts and actions.
The Doubter disguises itself as practically, but in reality, it’s simply allowing fear to take the driver’s seat in our lives.

The Hater

The Hater is our inner critic. It sees the world from a perpetually negative lens and keeps us bitter. It proposes no solutions, but keeps us safe from failure.

The Hater seems evil, but really, it’s a form of learned helplessness that says, “I’ve tried and failed before, what’s the point in trying again.”


All these thoughts exist within us and a battling for our attention at all times.

If you truly want to be happy and successful in life, embrace your Dreamer-Doer, and learn to tame or starve out your Doubter-Hater.

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