Drugs Aren’t the Problem…
Addiction is often nothing more than a symptom of poor mental fitness. Most of what we’ve been taught about addiction is wrong, and our current treatment model is broken and out-dated. We’re a highly medicated society that has been led to believe that drugs will fix our problems and fill our emptiness- it won’t.
With our approach to recovery, we will not work just to avoid all the things that could trigger someone, but rather, to increase one’s protective factors: finding work, improving relationships, rebuilding trust, improving physical health, and finding greater meaning and purpose in one’s life. It’s not drugs that are the problem! The goal of Mental Fitness counseling thus is to help one achieve a full life. This approach goes above and beyond traditional therapy where the focus is solely on removing the drug, while often clients still struggle with a feeling of emptiness, disconnection, and despair.
Whether it’s gambling, drinking, smoking, sex addiction, shopping, overeating or opiates, you name it- it’s all the same. By improving one’s Mental Fitness and overall outlook on life, we can heal addiction as its core!
* Interventions, individual counseling, and family support services are also available for family members and friends of those who are actively struggling