Social-emotional learning (SEL)

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing skills and attitudes that help people manage their emotions, build healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions.

 There are 5 primary components to SEL


 1. Self-Awareness 
 2. Self-management 
 3. Social awareness 
 4. Relationship skills 
 5. Making responsible decisions

Below is  how Mental Fitness enhances all 5 of these components!



Defined as: Recognizing one’s emotions and how they impact behavior


Mental Fitness teaches seven steps to master emotions. We encourage people to be aware of their emotional states, and not to act out impulsively. Furthermore, we encourage our participants to use their emotions as their own internal guidance as how best to align their actions with their core values.


We also provide self-assessments throughout the course so that learners can measure their baseline and their progress which enhances their overall self-awareness.


Defined as: Taking control of one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions


 A central theme throughout the curriculum is the importance and understanding of one's self-talk. Throughout the course, we assist our learners in recognizing negative thought patterns, which is crucial for developing self-awareness and self-management.


We also teach how to best improve one’s thinking to be more positive and more in one’s own locus of control. In this regard, we are not just aiming for “management” of self, but rather mastery of self. Our tagline itself states, “Master Your Thinking. Master Your Life.”


Defined as: Putting yourself in the shoes of others and acting with empathy


Empathy is like a muscle. It can be trained and strengthened with proper practice and focus. To envision the worldview of another takes imagination, genuine interest, and a removal of judgment.


An entire module (module #5) is dedicated to removing judgment of others, and replacing that judgment with understanding and empathy.


Defined as: Building and maintaining healthy relationships


The middle part of the curriculum discusses strategies to master relationships. It covers developing empathy, effective communication skills, and strategies for building happy, healthy, long-term relationships. These strategies are evidence-based from leaders in the field.


 In addition, practical tips and real life scenarios are offered as examples of how to overcome common barriers in communication and relationship building. Much of the focus is dedicated to bringing out the best in others, which in turn, brings out the best in ourselves.


Defined as: Choosing how to act based on ethics, safety, and the well-being of others


Part 3 of the Mental Fitness curriculum involves goal-setting and planning, which requires thoughtful decision-making. In addition, the section on mastering emotions discusses “playing the tape through” and considering consequences to self and others before taking action.


 We encourage seeking advice from trusted mentors, considering other’s viewpoints, and keeping things in perspective to make one’s actions more intentional and better thought through.


While not traditionally considered one of the five core SEL competencies, growth mindset is often included as a sixth competency in modern SEL frameworks.


The Mental Fitness Workbook strongly promotes a growth mindset. It emphasizes that mental fitness, like physical fitness, requires practice and can be improved over time. The emphasis here is on building a mindset of resilience and grit, redefining the way we look at failure as learning and growth opportunities as opposed to setbacks.


In conclusion, the Mental Fitness curriculum comprehensively addresses the competencies of social and emotional learning. By focusing on self-mastery, relationship skills, and personal growth, it provides a structured approach to developing crucial SEL skills over a 12-week period.
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The workbook's emphasis on practical strategies and continuous practice aligns well with the goals of social and emotional learning, offering participants a comprehensive toolkit for personal development and interpersonal success.