Recent Blog Posts

We should raise the price of cigarettes, drastically…

We should raise the price of cigarettes, drastically… In 2022, the US government made $11.3 billion in taxes on tobacco. Sounds like a good revenue stream, right? In that same year, we spent $240 billion in direct healthcare costs treating the ailments due to smoking. That cost is 21x more than the tax revenue. When you include direct…
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Back in 2016, I was feeling restless…

Back in 2016, I was feeling restless… I was happy in my work, but something was off. I knew I loved helping people, and I knew the people I worked with were seeing results. Still, the feeling persisted… So after some failed attempts to figure out what was up, I finally really leaned into that…
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It’s yet to fully sink in with me…

I hesitated to write about this, because I think the magnitude of it has yet to really sink in with me… But, Erie McDowell school board approved teaching Mental Fitness as a part of their high school curriculum. This would make Erie McDowell the FIRST high school in the nation to be teaching Mental Fitness at their…
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Everything Starts With Putting Your Mental Fitness First