Why zero carb diets are a bad long term weight loss idea

Why zero carb diets are a bad long term weight loss idea explained in 4 points…
  1. Diets that require someone consume no carbs forces the body to use protein and fat as fuel, rather than it’s preferred first source, carbs.
  2. Using protein for fuel reduces lean mass as the body needs protein to maintain lean mass. Without carbs for fuel, our bodies tire and athletic performance drops.
  3. The loss of lean mass slows your basal (baseline) metabolic rate. This is because the body burns more calories maintaining protein than to maintain fat. Fat is easy to maintain because it basically exists as reserve storage. In other words, the more lean muscle you have, the faster your baseline metabolism.
  4. Zero carbs diets work in losing weight quickly (mostly water weight), but are hard to sustain, and in the long run, reduce your body’s metabolism.

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